About Us
Queanbeyan Landcare is a local not-for-profit community group that cares for our local environment. We plan projects, plant native species, remove invasive weeds, organize funding and resources, advocate to council and governments on environmental issues and provide information and connections with like-minded organisations. We engage with other community groups, the local council and others to help achieve our aim of making Queanbeyan a better place to live by preserving and restoring our natural landscapes and native species.
We are a small, friendly group with a focus on making a positive difference, protecting and caring for native plants and animals, and enjoying ourselves along the way. Queanbeyan Landcare was incorporated as a Landcare group in 1995, building on the previous work of the Monaro Conservation Society and Trees for Queanbeyan. We encompass several sub-groups who care for specific sites, at Fernleigh Park, Bicentennial Park, Queanbeyan River and Mount Jerrabomberra & Stringybark Reserve.
For up-to-date information about our plantings, activities and events please refer to our Coming Events page or Facebook page. If you prefer not to access social media, you can also contact the Secretary below and ask to be placed on our Supporters Email List, that way you can find out what is going on in your local area as soon as possible.
We have undertaken over 40 environmental rehabilitation projects, removing rubbish, planting, fencing, weeding, providing for recreational access, and maintaining sites over time. Funds have been raised for plants, equipment and works, and representation made to council and government. We have many active projects at present, with more in the planning stages – and we welcome new members and volunteers.
Landcare: one of Australia’s great inventions
Landcare is a uniquely Australian volunteer network of groups undertaking practical work to repair and improve their local environments and the management of natural resources, and to engage their local communities. Landcare has come far from its beginnings in Victoria in 1986 with the declaration of the Decade of Landcare and establishment of a national program in 1989. With over 5000 local groups across the country and more than 100,000 volunteers, it has spread from mostly rural areas to towns, cities and the coast. Each group has its own ways of working, suited to their local environment and the things that matter to them. The successful Landcare model of locals caring for local environments, in partnership with governments and others, has spread to more than 20 countries. Landcare is a truly remarkable Australian invention.

Our team of Officeholders
in 2024
President Ian Johnsson
Vice President Vacant
Treasurer/Public Officer Heather Aubrey
Secretary Michele Dovers
Publicity Officer Tom Baker
Social Media Officer Fran Curtis
Assistant Treasurer Katrina Willis
Membership in 2025 is free
People join Queanbeyan Landcare to learn more about their natural environment and about opportunities with members and affiliated groups in the region (see our Partners below) to undertake a wide variety of hands-on activities to preserve and restore our natural resources. Members also receive regular updates of, and new ideas on, similar activities around Australia.
Life Members
Life Membership is an honour bestowed by Queanbeyan Landcare to Members in recognition of their valued service to our organisation.
It is recognition that many individuals give countless hours of their time, unquestionable loyalty and dedicated service without which Queanbeyan Landcare cannot and could not prosper.
On Wednesday 18 January 2023, Queanbeyan Landcare recognised 6 people as Life Members. The Members that received this recognition were Jenny Clarke, Margaret Piper, Alison Crawley, Roger Clement, Bill Hall and Tom Baker.
Other Members spoke about the contributions made by these individuals including details of the postion/s they held, their contributions, major achievements, effectiveness and Membership duration.
Deputy Mayor Cr Esme Livermore joined us and spoke about the value of community volunteers. Rebecca Ryan (QPRC CEO) and Natasha Abbott (QPRC’s Manager of Natural Landscapes and Health) also joined this gathering recognising the strong and historically significant relationship Queanbeyan Landcare has with Council.
A long term member of Queanbeyan Landcare, Dave Dempster, is recognised for his dedication to caring for the 90 ha conservation site, Gale Precinct, a major clean-up of the Mirrabee woodland on Old Cooma Road, and the removal of car bodies on the Queanbeyan River. He was focused on research into bio-control agents for St Johns Wort and leading the development of the map of Landcare projects in the Queanbeyan District with Tom Baker. He was awarded Life Membership of Queanbeyan Landcare in August 2022 by Tom, Bill Hall and Bruce Taloni. Sadly, Dave passed a short time later.
On 23 March 2023, Bill Willis was awarded Life Membership of Queanbeyan Landcare. The award is in recognition of his long standing membership, including 3 years as president, and provision of invaluable advice over many years on native Australian plants. Bill has been actively involved in protecting the environment in Queanbeyan for many years and remains an active member of the Australian Native Plants Society.

Life Members
Alison Crawley
Jenny Clarke
Margaret Piper
Roger Clement
Tom Baker
Dr William (Bill) Hall
Dave Dempster
Bill Willis
Queanbeyan Landcare is a member of,
or partners with, several other organisations in the region.
These are below.

Gallery images © Bill Hall, Michele Dovers, Helen Hadobas, Martin Holmes & Wandiyali Restoration Trust