Cat Containment
In 2022 Queanbeyan Landcare actively encouraged Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council to take action on cat containment within the QPRC council area in line with the ACT policy that has recently been enacted and actions of other NSW government LGAs.
Members are available to raise awareness of this matter with the community.
In April 2023 Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) made the unanimous decision to adopt a revised cat containment policy to immediately apply to Elm Grove, Braidwood Ridge, South Jerrabomberra and all future new greenfield developments within the local government area. The new policy means that householders in new suburbs will be required to keep their cats always contained within the boundaries of their property or under effective control if moving off their property (e.g., on a leash). This policy previously applied only to the Googong development.
Queanbeyan Landcare was an active participant in the development of this policy and will continue to advocate for its extension.
Nature conservation and revegetation in and around Queanbeyan
Over many years Queanbeyan Landcare has engaged with the local community and Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council to encourage actions to aid in the beautification of landscapes and the preservation of native species.
Presented at the QPRC Councillor Workshop on Tuesday 29 August 2023 was a paper written by Ian Johnsson, Tom Baker and Steve Dovers on nature conservation and re-vegetation in and around Queanbeyan. It is to be presented at the QPRC Environmental and Sustainability Advisory Committee meeting on Monday 4 December 2023 also. You can download the paper via the link below.
2021 Possum Boxes
In 2019 and 2020 Queanbeyan Landcare worked with Queanbeyan Wildcare and the Queanbeyan Men’s Shed to produce 18 possum boxes for housing unwanted brushtail possums in urban areas.
Above images: Two left possum box images © Bill Hall featuring Tom Baker, third © Michele Dovers, right © Pete Midson