Fernleigh Park Landcare
Jerrabomberra Creek flows through Fernleigh Estate and while there are some remnant eucalypt outcrops much of the area was cleared for farmland and has very rocky soils.
The local Fernleigh Park Landcare group was established in 2002 with the aim of undertaking extensive planting programs along Jerrabomberra Creek and the streets that stretch throughout the Park to create a corridor of connected vegetation. Weeding, spraying, watering and fencing are regularly undertaken to ensure the ongoing success of the plantings.
On Sunday 5 May 2024 the final planting under the Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers grant took place at Swan Drive, Googong. 250 trees and shrubs were planted. Thanks to Bill Hall, Bruce Taloni and Bruce Davies.

Sunday 28 May this planting was possible through a grant from the Local Land Services Landcare Riparian Restoration Project.

Sunday 23 October a planting as part of the Queens Platinum Jubilee Tree Planting Program.

Sunday 1 August National Tree Day (planetark.org) event held on two private properties at Fernleigh.

Photo credits: Header & Gallery images © Martin Holmes, Michele Dovers & Joel Johnsson