Friends of Queanbeyan River

Queanbeyan Landcare has been working at various sites along the Queanbeyan River since the 1990’s, in partnership with other organisations. In 2024 work is happening at the Riverside Cemetery site (off Erin Street), the Outdoor Classroom (off Thorpe Avenue) and Upstream of Dane Street. Details of the work undertaken including comprehensive plant lists, drone images of the site and details of major community events at these sites can be found below.

Friends of Queanbeyan River invites interested residents to get in touch – you can do as much or as little as you want. Tom Baker, Ian Johnsson and Michele Dovers are coordinating this group.

See our Facebook or Instagram pages for details of planting events or apply to be Member and receive updates about these and other activities.

Photo Credits: Header © Joel Johnsson | Gallery Images © Bill Hall & Michele Dovers | Image of 2019 Plantings across the River © Kris Mitchell for the Molonglo Conservation Group